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CLOSURE NOTICE: We will be closed February 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents' Day.

HIRING NOTICE: We are looking for a Program Specialist and an Inventory & Store Specialist to join our Austin team. Click here for details on how to apply!

FT. WORTH WAREHOUSE CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Our roof replacement project is underway. Expect to see additional repairs made to facility grounds in the coming months. We will remain OPEN during all phases of construction. Please pardon the mess, our new look WILL IMPRESS!



The mission of the Federal Surplus Property (FSP) Program is to save eligible organizations money in acquiring necessary equipment. We are part of a state agency - the Texas Facilities Commission. We work with the federal government to transfer surplus equipment from all federal agencies, including the military. Our program is funded entirely by service charges that are paid by program participants for items received. FSP service charges are as low as 5-10% of the item’s original cost! Click here for examples of property that Texas organizations have acquired from Federal Surplus.

Let us help your organization get the equipment you NEED for a fee you can AFFORD!

Approved program participants are invited to browse the inventory below to see available property. Condition of the property varies; many items are previously used, and therefore may require repairs. For property inquiries or to place an item on hold, please contact our warehouses in Ft. Worth and San Antonio.

For information on the State Surplus Store & Online Auctions that are open to the public, please visit
